Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations are available for the University of Michigan community and visitors for charging their Electric Vehicles. 

How to enroll in ChargePoint Connections step-by-step instructions

Campus EV Charging Locations

LocationNumber of SpacesPermit Required
*SC32, Admin Services Building2Visitor Fee Required
*SC7, Campus Safety Building11Orange
*SC36, Main & E. Keech16Orange
LocationNumber of SpacesPermit Required
E3, Ruthven4Reserved/Business Vehicle
*W32, Coliseum10Yellow
N26, Palmer Structure10Blue
*S8, Hill Structure114 – Gold, 7 – Blue
LocationNumber of SpacesPermit Required
M86, Ann Street Structure3Visitor Fee Required
M93, Wall Street East Structure4Blue
P5, CVC Structure10Gold
M99, Wall Street West Structure4 Blue
P1, North Entrance Structure2010 – Gold, 10 – Blue
LocationNumber of SpacesPermit Required
NC27, Walgreen Drama Center2Visitor Fee Required
NC67, Dean Rd Transportation Center2Yellow
NC100, NCRC Parking Structure4Blue
NC60, Cooley Building122 – Gold, 10 – Blue
NC28, CSRB10Blue
LocationNumber of SpacesPermit Required
Rackham Detroit 2Permit/Visitor Fee Required
EV Charging Locations on Medical and North Campuses
EV Charging Locations on Central and Ross Athletic Campuses

*Please note that EV chargers in SC7, SC32, SC36, W32, and S8 are not available for U-M Fleet vehicle charging on football Saturdays. A reminder that vehicles in these locations must be cleared each Friday by 10pm prior to any home football games.

Please note that the City of Ann Arbor also now offers several electric vehicle charging stations. More details on available charging spaces in the City can be found on this website. 

Planned Future Installation Campus Locations

*We expect to continue adding EV Charging on campus. The planned installations and completion dates are shown below.
Location # of Spaces Permit Required Completion
NC51, Glazier Way - North Campus
Nov 2024
M61, Glen Parking Structure - Medical Campus
W3, Thompson Parking Structure - Central Campus
N4, Thayer Parking Structure - Central Campus
E8, Church Parking Structure - Central Campus
NC37, Green Rd. - North Campus
No Permit Required
NC53, Robotics Bldg. - North Campus
M75, Mitchell Field - Medical Campus


In permitted parking areas, faculty, staff, and students with appropriate parking permits for the assigned color tier will be able to use EV chargers during enforcement hours. During non-enforcement hours, chargers will be available for general use. All users will pay the charging fees described below.

Level 2 charging fees for all parking areas:

  • $1.00/hour until the vehicle is fully charged
  • After the vehicle is fully charged, a 30-minute grace period is provided to the driver to remove their vehicle from the parking space designated for the charger
  • Once the 30-minute grace period has elapsed, the overstay fee will be $3.00/hour

In visitor parking areas, all users will pay the visitor space rate (via the central pay machine or mobile payment app) in addition to the charging fees described above.

The grace period and overstay fee will be reviewed and potentially adjusted as LTP monitors the campus charging infrastructure.

Charging Instructions

All Level 2 chargers are a part of the ChargePoint Network. Please check the network map to ensure a charger is available before driving to a charging location. To have visibility to and access to the University of Michigan EV chargers, use your ChargePoint Network card or ChargePoint app. You will also need to enroll with ChargePoint Connections to affiliate your ChargePoint account with the University of Michigan driver group.


The spaces are designed for EV charging only, not simply EV parking. All customers must initiate a charging session through the ChargePoint station designated for the parking space.

U-M Police Department (UMPD) is responsible for enforcing University parking regulations, which requires EVs to be plugged in at all times when parked in an EV space.  

Individuals must have the proper color tiered permit for that lot AND pay for charging.

And in visitor locations, both the visitor space rate and EV charging fees apply.

Note that overstay fees can apply if you stay beyond achieving full charge to encourage greater access to other individuals requiring a charge. 

Smartphone Applications

A number of smartphone applications are available to ease the process of charging and finding charging locations:

ChargePoint Logo (White C in an Orange rounded box)
Chargepoint Network

Use this application to eliminate range anxiety by locating ChargePoint charging stations on your smartphone. Also set up notifications on the ChargePoint network to view charging stats while your car charges and receive notification when your car is done charging.

iPhone | Android

Charger Assistance

ChargePoint Customer Service: For any issues, including refund requests, please contact ChargePoint through the app’s Help, Contact Us link or call ChargePoint Driver Support at 888-758-4389.

For any mechanical issues with the charger, please contact Parking Customer Services.

Fleet Vehicle Current and Future Installation Campus Locations

Location # of Spots Installation
NC19-Draper Dr.
NC67 Dean Rd Transportation Bldg
SC10, Kipke Drive
Arbor Lakes 2
NC62, Baxter Road
4 (Level-3)
Fall 2025
SC2, E. Keech and Green
8 (Level-3)
Winter 2026

Electric Vehicle FAQ

Where can visitors or faculty/student/staff charge their electric vehicles?

U-M charging locations are here.

• Where are the current fleet vehicle chargers located?

In addition to the locations identified in the table above, U-M fleet vehicles can utilize chargers in any Blue, Yellow, or Orange EV parking space on campus where available. The chargers located in hourly visitor parking spaces can be utilized by U-M fleet vehicles (it is not necessary to pay the hourly visitor fee). 

*Please note that EV chargers in SC7, SC32, SC36, W32, and S8 are not available for U-M Fleet vehicle charging on football Saturdays. A reminder that vehicles in these locations must be cleared each Friday by 10pm prior to any home football games.

 Are the fleet vehicle chargers available for public use?

No, fleet vehicle chargers are dedicated to U-M vehicles.

 How do I charge my U-M fleet electric vehicle?

Each vehicle is issued a RFID card to activate the charging station.  Pull up to a fleet vehicle charging location, take the RFID card issued to your vehicle, tap your card on the station, disengage the connector from the holster and plug in to your EV. 

• Can I get a RFID card?

Charging RFID cards are issued to a specific U-M fleet vehicle not individuals.

• What can I do for optimum charge life and maximum driving range?

During campus (city) driving, operate your vehicle in “L” gear.  This slows the vehicle dramatically once you remove your foot from the accelerator pedal.  This will maximize your braking regeneration going back to the batteries.

Vehicle preconditioning will help with range and performance.  Preconditioning uses the energy from the charging source (your vehicle must be plugged in) to warm or cool the cabin saving battery power for your drive.  You may program this feature using the onboard information system. 

 Am I being charged per kilowatt hour to charge my vehicle on U-M’s campus?

LTP is not charging for the electricity used. The fees charged are for the use of the EV chargers on campus. We are aware that some chargers have less electricity than others – no matter what chargers you use on campus, the same hourly rate is required.