Designated parking spaces for motorcycles and mopeds are available around campus. These designated parking spaces are marked with signs; many are located in parking structures. Motorcycles and mopeds, by paying the associated fees, may also utilize visitor parking spaces in campus locations with Central Pay Machines (CPM). Motorcycles and mopeds are not allowed to park in regular, permitted vehicle parking spaces.

Motorcycles and mopeds are restricted from all pathways on campus except when a moped is being walked to a designated parking space away from the roadway. Mopeds must also be walked through structures, not ridden, to and from the designated parking area.

Location Of Spaces

Central Campus

LotLocationApproximate # of Spaces
Area north of Mason Hall8 (Mopeds only)
C2Kraus Natural Science Building13 (Mopeds only)
C5Lot between Graduate and Undergraduate Libraries4
C10West Hall25 (Mopeds only)
E1Corner of Observatory and North University Court1
E3Ruthven Building1
E61100 North University Building12 (Mopeds only)
E8Church Structure, South Entrance12
E9Lot behind Church Structure6
Area between the Palmer and Fletcher Structures14
S2Wyly Hall10 (Mopeds only)
S5South Hall5
S8Hill Structure7
S11East Quad10 (Mopeds only)
W1South Quad12 (Mopeds only)
W3Thompson Structure, east entrance10
W13Lot behind Student Activities Building on Thompson Street8
W33Buhr Building4

Medical Campus

LotLocationApproximate # of Spaces
Near bicycle rack on West Medical Center Drive4
M16Lot between MCHC, Mott and Towsley26
M30East Medical Center Drive15
Couzens Hall12 (Mopeds only)
M52West side of the Medical Professional Building6
M63South side of 300 NIB8
M64North side of the 400 NIB4
M66School of Nursing1
M75Fuller/Mitchell Lot6
M86Ann Street Parking Structure16
M87Wall Street4
M93Wall Street East Structure, inside entrance9
M98West Medical Center Drive12
M99Wall Street West Structure, near entrance6

North Campus

LotLocationsApproximate # of Spaces
NC20GG Brown4
NC27Walgreen Drama Center10
NC28Space Research Building3
NC32Baits I4
NC43Taubman College4
NC45North Campus Recreation Building1
NC51Glazier Way, north end2
NC55Duderstadt Loading Dock/Nuclear Engineering Labs4 (Mopeds only)
NC61North Campus Plant Services Building2
NC62North Campus Plant Facilities Services Building2
NC65North Campus Administrative Complex2
NC67Transit Dean Rd8
NC82East of Huron Parkway, north side of Bldgs2
NC86East of Huron Parkway, south side of Bldgs5
NC90NCRC West of Huron Parkway4
NC92NCRC West of Huron Parkway6
NC95NCRC West of Huron Parkway6
NC100West of Huron Parkway, parking structure5
NC103Housing Services Building1
NC109Green Court Building2

Ross Athletic Campus

LotLocationApproximate # of Spaces
Storage Building behind Revelli Hall8
SC21032 Green St.12
SC11Physical Properties Building5
SC16Campus Safety Services Building, east side12
SC17Wolverine Tower4
SC20North of SC20/Fisher Stadium15 (Mopeds only)
SC43Varsity Drive20