Vehicles are leased or rented by U-M departments for use by faculty, staff or students (see Note) to conduct University business both on and off campus.

Note: Student usage must be approved by Center for Campus Involvement or a department dean or director.

Short Term Lease (Temporary Leases)

Fleet Services has a limited number of vehicles for short term rentals. Short term is defined as a rental lasting between one month and one year (12 months). Departments that would like a temporary lease vehicle should submit a Temporary Lease Request .

Long Term Lease

Fleet Services will work with you to determine a vehicle that meets your operational needs. Vehicles are divided into two groups – Auto and Truck. The Auto fleet consists of passenger-type vehicles, such as sedans, minivans, and sport utility. The Truck fleet consists of service-type vehicles, such as work vans, pickup, dump, cargo, and utility trucks. Auto leases require a lease commitment of five years. Truck leases require a lease commitment of six years. If you would like to lease a vehicle, complete and submit a Lease Vehicle Request .


Only vehicles used for one or more months are billed at the monthly rate. All other rentals are billed at the daily rate with a minimum 1-day charge. All leases and rental rates include maintenance and insurance as part of the lease, but the lease rate does not include fuel.

Current monthly auto lease rates:

Vehicle Type Passenger Capacity Monthly Lease Rate
Electric Sport Utility 5 $851.00
Full Size Pick-up 3 $661.00
Mid-size Pickup 4 $614.00
Minivan 7 $837.00
Minivan (accessible) 5 (2-3 Wheelchairs) $837.00
Sedan (hybrid) 5 $763.00
Sedan (non-hybrid) 5 $730.00
Work Van 2 $624.00

Fleet Services

1209 Kipke Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2002
Monday – Friday 6:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Phone: +1 (734) 764-3427
Fax: +1 (734) 763-1470
E-mail: [email protected]